Smart Policies and Practices for Shared Prosperity

Horticulture sector: Developed a State Agribusiness and Marketing Policy that will guide the development of the sector and to conduct a policy strategic planning process and drafted a policy statem...
Enhancing smallholders’ access to markets and strengthen competitiveness of smallholder farmers: Provided technology services, facilitated farmer organizations and linkages to agribusiness, and sup...
Development strategy for agriculture: Supported the Nepali government to prepare a comprehensive based on the policy sector situation and wide stakeholder consultation.
Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project (LIFSAP): identified steps required for strengthening the livestock slaughtering capacity and management in Vietnam.
Livestock sector: Conducted a detailed baseline survey for the Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project in 17 provinces in Viet Nam.
Agribusiness Incubation: Conducted good practice assessment of experiences on business incubation to stimulate the start-up and acceleration of innovative agribusiness SMEs; and developed training ...