Smart Policies and Practices for Shared Prosperity

 Jean Claude Randrianarisoa    August 2, 2018

107. Etude de préparation d’un programme de transformation de l’Agriculture Malgache

Start Date:

December 2017

Total Value:

USD 981,113

ACI Value:

USD 981,113

End Date:

May 2019


African Development Bank, MAEP Madagascar



Conduct studies on potential investment zones of Madagascar with the aim to formulate an investment program to accelerate agricultural transformation. The first phase of this process is the identification of potential regions. In each of the selected region, the Consultant identified priority value chains and potential growth poles. The second phase is to conduct in-depth regional studies of the prioritized value chains, highlighting the opportunities and constraints, and the potential of zones of investment. Moreover, the Consultant conducted a study of agricultural input sector (including seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, equipment, breeds, animal feed) and a feasibility study for the honey sector. The third phase consists in the preparation of detailed feasibility study for an investment program. During this phase, the Consultant coordinates with AfDB team in charge of preparing an investment project to be submitted to the AfDB Board in 2018.